We are at the end of the year…already!
This year, with all its struggles, has passed very quickly, right?
Our Group Coaching participants report that they are exhausted, and many are experiencing burnout… I know this is not the most enthusiastic way to start a blog, but this is the reality that we are living in, and we cannot hide from it!
Hopefully, after this almost 2-year long (and counting) pandemic, we realize one very important thing: the phenomenal resilience of employees around the world. Now that the vaccine is more accessible to some countries those in the workplace are finding themselves in a totally different position. Instead of taking a needed break, they must work even harder to face pressures from the economy.. Moreover, businesses want to close deals, and there is this rush at the end of the year to meet company goals. Something we have to remember is that the end of the year does not mean it is not the end of the world...
According to the State of the Global Workplace (Gallup 2021), 41% of employees experienced worry during much of the previous day, worldwide, and 43% experienced stress.
You may ask yourself, what can we do to prepare for the holiday season to not exhaust employees?
Here are some ideas for you that we share in our Group Coaching activities.
On the professional side:
- Participate only in meetings where you have a real added value. When invited, ask yourself if you need to be part of that meeting, otherwise decline
- Think about what you need to finish by the end of the year and plan your activities accordingly to avoid rushing
- Think about what you can postpone to the next year without too many consequences, and educate your team to act accordingly. This requires making healthy choices about what’s important and what is not
On the personal side:
- Carve some time for regenerating yourself:
o Take the weekend off without reading your emails
o Engage in a sport of physical activity
o Do an activity you like
- Instead of rushing to buy Christmas presents, purchase one present per day by really thinking of the person you want to give it to. Anticipate your Christmas purchase so it doesn’t feel like a chore.
- Prepare holiday cards with intention: to whom you would like to write and what personal message do you want to send?
More importantly, remember that you and your team’s health is paramount. To preserve it, you need to make choices by putting it first. If you have already crossed the exhaustion redline, it’s difficult to think properly, and you will be less efficient. You need to think clearly to strive despite the intensity of this period. This also means that you need to make choices that are good for you. These healthy choices are the best gift that you can give to yourself!